Sunday, 9 December 2012

Life what is keeping me up at nights

People change - it's not a fact, but a possibility if they want to. All the wrongs that have been seen and all the pain that has been have felt have made some people paranoid (I guess I might be one of them once in a while). Paranoia develops a strange defence mechanism, sometimes it prevents more good things happening than terrible things not happening.
We don't want to be judged by our past, because the past is the past and we don't live there any more. As it have been compared, that life is a lot like riding a bicycle: to keep the balance we have to more forward. But then regret is the most common thing that is keeping us on moving forward with our lives. It's not even about the people who judge us, it is how we take the judgement, though it also depends on  how we feel about the people it comes from. People tend to hurt the people they care and for whom they have great deal of respect. The more we care the more shame and regret we feel when we do something morally disgraceful.  Shame is a strong moral feeling, it can be good if it will guide us, not take us down with it. To deal with shame we should apologize and try to be a better person. That is what we all should do, there is never enough apologies and if people don't understand that they are wrong we should give them a hint. It is easier to forgive people than to forgive ourselves for the things gone wrong. So learn to forgive people, because none of us is perfect and the biggest regret lives in us. Take chances and don't look back too much.

Monday, 3 December 2012


sihitult kardan
valget ruumi, paberit
täita mõttega

Monday, 19 November 2012

Ausust ja siirust
ootavad inimesed
Ansip vabandas.

Thursday, 8 March 2012


Madrid is fantastic. Not that it haven't been told, but now I can say it, because I have been there.
For me Madrid is little like London, it's a place where I run away, when Estonian cultural life isn't enough.
Valencia has maybe even more people than in estonia alltogehter with metropolitan area, but I feel the lack of artistic culture. I don't know the city very well, but even my local artist friends say so.
In Madrid I visited ARCOmadrid were galleries and artist show their works. Lot of people and even more art. Hard to see everything for one day. With Yu-Chen we tried to make the best of it.
This one made me smile and while I was taking the picture there were some problems with the camera, turned out better anyway, without people posing.

I would like to highlight this one: dress that you can recolour after washing depending on the mood
and here is how it works  (sould add that to my wishlist)

Next one was like Mona Lisa, a lot of people around taking pictures

This one describes my choice of study, as some of my friends think

Had some time to walk around the city, mostly centre
also visited some galleries and museums along the way.

Quiestiones I ask in the order 

Also I realised that I have an obsession with stairs, so probably there will be a post about that.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Thursday, 9 February 2012

ta rohekatest
silmadest sini_must ja 
valge(t) peegeldus

tiksub mul vtoroe
sutki ja tuleb haiku
ka sama moodi

viimanegi siht
häbi tundmata, käisin
seemneid nokkimas

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Laiskus unelmat,
elukest ilusamat
sinuni ei too 

Monday, 30 January 2012

Ülikonnas mees
tõsti puhta joobunud
persega mõtleb!

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

tarbimine, raisk. Näljas
seitse miljardit

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Our animation project was submitted to the Rome's Biennal Art Competition, It has won a prize.

Noorus on ilus aeg - Not Now I Am Busy

ja lõpetuseks leidsin ka kohalikust külapoest vastava "musi"veini

End of the old but the world did not come to the end

Visited Estonia on holidays to meet my family and friends. I was happy that my sister could also join us on her holidays from school in Japan.
On a first evening back I visited ILLUMINAATOR - Beneetsia Viennaal in Raja gallery. Always good atmosphere there on openings, with a lot of nice faces.
If you have a chance go and visit the exibition, it is opened until 15th of january.

I thought that I could work on my university projects, but I was overbooked with events and people.
So christmas I mostly spent with my family. We even went to studio all together, and made some family photos. We cannot all act normal on the same time, but I guess that makes photos more fun to watch later.

Before Johanna and Käty with her family drove away to spend new year in Vienna I managed to catch them in Tartu. We had a late christmas party. I should mention here thet last 4 years we have spent it with Mihkel and Johanna (+ different companies)
Not all the people are on the picture and the camera stopped working after last capture.
Before that I managed to make my first polaroid photo (still sorry that I cut off Kermo like that)
New years eve I spent in Tartu, as did my sister. I managed to see her once before her friends took her away again. Wasn't as awesome as some other years but there was a good company. Before the time we were thinking of going to sleep I got a message from my sister who was on a bus back to Tallinn.